The following chapter provides a literary overview of the evaluation models aimed at the assessment of futures practices. First of all, the Foresight Maturity Model of Grim (2009) and Rohrbeck’s Maturity Model of Corporate Foresight (2010) are taken into account, considering their potentiality to measure future capabilities of private companies. Moreover, a general summary of the Social Futuring Index, based on Szántó et al. (2019) is presented. These models have provided a theoretical basis and a starting point for the formulation of a new evaluation system, named Future Orienteering Evaluation Model. The chapter offers an introduction to this new measurement model, based on the Theory of Anticipation presented in Poli (2017, 2019a, 2019b), and therefore builds on the distinction between Forecasting, Foresight and Anticipation. The result of the application of the Future Orienteering evaluation system is a battery of three indexes, designed to offer an immediately understandable and easily comparable view of future skills of individuals, communities and organizations.
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