Chapter 6: Covid-19 and UK higher education: library perspectives
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Lis Parcell of Jisc draws on observations of UK university libraries to explore how library staff responded to the Covid-19 crisis from its beginnings to mid-2022. Sources include articles, reports, blogs, social media and Jisc publications. The chapter covers how libraries, individually and collectively, built on established digital provision to provide services in new ways. The focus is on libraries in relation to learning, teaching and student experience. Aspects considered are: physical space and services, access to digital resources, and online teaching and support. In the author's view, rather than forcing a wholesale "reimagining" of the library, the pandemic has confirmed the value of libraries to their communities. The chapter concludes by outlining some ways in which libraries might develop in the wake of Covid-19, and highlights how UK academic libraries' body SCONUL is working towards a vision of collective effort and partnership.

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