Chapter 3: Digital corporate communication and brand communication
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This chapter focusses on digital corporate brand communication and explicates the Total Corporate Brand Communication mix. Digital corporate brand communication represents a new dynamic within the digital corporate communication territory and can add value to corporate brands, benefitting both organisations and customers. A sextuple (six part) Total Corporate Brand Communication framework is introduced which accommodates the communication effects of Promissory Corporate Communication (corporate brand-focused communication); Primary Corporate Communication (corporate identity-focused corporate communication); Secondary Corporate Communication (corporate-controlled corporate communication); Tertiary Corporate Communication (word-of-mouth corporate communication); Quaternary Corporate Communication (digital corporate communication); and Responsory Corporate Communication(feedback corporate communication). However, there are potential downsides to digital corporate brand communication in that third party organisations such as platform providers increasingly are part of the corporate brand communication dynamic. Furthermore, challenges such as digital hijacking and deepfakes can be marshalled by individuals and groups to undermine a corporate brand’s strength and veracity. In illustrating the importance of Digital Corporate Brand Communication along with the efficacy of the Total Corporate Brand Communication Mix, this chapter scrutinizes the British Monarchy as one of the most celebrated of all global corporate brands.

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