Chapter 20: Digital corporate communication and artificial intelligence and future roles
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This chapter discusses the use in practice and implications of AI for professional roles and responsibilities in corporate communication. It defines AI and other relevant terms, gives a brief overview of how it is currently being used, and outlines some of the newer applications such as Intelligent User Interfaces. It goes on to explore what current and future developments mean for the structure of the profession, including how the role will be re-shaped as many of the operational tasks in corporate communication are automated and ‘infused’ with AI. It considers how the role can become more strategic as it moves away from the operational, focussing on ethical concerns as a route to an enhanced governance role. The chapter envisages an active ethical guardian role for corporate communicators at an organisational level as well as in the function, serving as the conscience of the wider organisation. It concludes by providing a brief case study of Vodafone, showcasing a progressive position on AI policies.

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