This chapter explores two related lines of inquiry regarding the relationship between solar radiation modification (SRM) (a form climate geoengineering) and climate loss and damage. First, SRM can be understood as a response measure that seeks to avert, minimize or address loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change. For example, extreme weather events and slow onset events are identified in article 8 (addressing loss and damage) of the Paris Agreement as adverse effects of climate change that ought to be addressed. Insofar as a response such as SRM may reduce the risk from such events, which is, of course, its precise intention, it could fall within the parameters of article 8 or influence the development of responses to address loss and damage. Second, because SRM technologies themselves have the potential to cause harm, SRM may also be a source of loss and damage that needs to be averted, minimized or addressed. It has been recognized that, were states to consider deploying SRM, the proponents would need to demonstrate how those states or other entities adversely affected by SRM would be compensated for any losses suffered as a result of deployment. Here my interest is in the extent to which the approaches to climate loss and damage can be separated from the measures taken to address the impacts from SRM. Considering how SRM technologies may intersect with loss and damage approaches at this early stage may facilitate anticipatory governance.
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