Comparative Constitutional Studies will launch in 2023 with two inaugural special issues, which explore the theme ‘Constitutionalisms: Identities & Methodologies’.
The first special issue will focus on the variety of constitutional systems and practices found throughout the world (‘Identities’). The second special issue will focus on the variety of approaches to comparative analysis and purposes to which comparativism is put (‘Methodologies’). Read more about Comparative Constitutional Studies (CCS).
Please bookmark this webpage and check back for a list of authors and article titles for these two special issues, or follow us on Twitter for the latest CCS news and information.
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Frequency: 2 issues per year
Comparative Constitutional Studies will launch in 2023 with two inaugural special issues, which explore the theme ‘Constitutionalisms: Identities & Methodologies’.
The first special issue will focus on the variety of constitutional systems and practices found throughout the world (‘Identities’). The second special issue will focus on the variety of approaches to comparative analysis and purposes to which comparativism is put (‘Methodologies’). Read more about Comparative Constitutional Studies (CCS).
Please bookmark this webpage and check back for a list of authors and article titles for these two special issues, or follow us on Twitter for the latest CCS news and information.
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing
Frequency: 2 issues per year
Comparative Constitutional Studies (CCS) is an international journal for comparative public law scholarship, publishing two issues per year: one general issue, and one special issue on a specific topic or theme. ‘Constitutional Studies’ is conceived broadly, the scope of which includes constitutional and administrative law scholarship that advances the study of key issues and questions within the field through examining experiences and perspectives from a range of different jurisdictions. Contributions could involve, for example, a detailed study of a practice from a single country that seeks to draw lessons for other countries, or a set of case studies from different countries that seeks to examine similarities and differences with respect to how a particular practice has been developed in a variety of constitutional systems.
CCS aims to facilitate global engagement, collaboration and debate among public law scholars from diverse legal and intellectual traditions. It has a diverse international editorial board comprised of leading academics and jurists and seeks to promote innovative research on topics, perspectives, and research methods that are underrepresented in the field. CCS has a broad disciplinary focus and welcomes legal and interdisciplinary scholarship.
All submissions are double-blind peer reviewed.
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The Editors of CCS welcome high-quality original scholarly contributions on any topic in comparative public law. CCS publishes standard-length articles (8,000-12,000 words), comments and review essays (5,000-6,000 words), and book reviews (2,000-4,000 words). Submissions will be subject to double-blind peer review. The Editors reserve the right to reject submissions without review. Please submit here.
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