This innovative book proposes a new way of analysing the market process, focusing on market-making entrepreneurs. Synthesising key insights from mainstream economics, modern entrepreneurship theory and network theory, Mark Casson examines how market segmentation driven by location and culture generates opportunities for profit for entrepreneurs.
This dynamic book explores the importance of collaborative consumption, which is particularly relevant at a time when the sharing economy has established itself as part of the mainstream market. Nearly 40 expert scholars across the globe go beyond the existing literature to investigate understudied community efforts and spaces, including innovative topics such as hand-me-downs and coworking.
This cutting-edge book explores the impact of pandemic shocks and other crises on businesses. Focusing on growing threats to business resilience, it offers innovative strategies to manage financial change and reposition small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs for success.
Building on a variety of contrasting perspectives, this book focuses on the connection between university spin-offs and regional economic development. It aptly captures the diverse range of concepts relating to the main participants in the process of university spin-offs, reflecting on their roles and how these may have changed.
This Modern Guide explores central ideas, concepts, and themes in the Austrian school of economics, with a focus on how they, and with them the overall theory, have evolved over recent decades. Leading scholars offer their insights into potential directions of future research in the field, pointing towards contemporary debates and their potential conclusions, underdeveloped aspects and extensions of theory, and current applications of interest.
This timely book examines the serious threats that pandemics, economic recessions, terrorist attacks and other potentially catastrophic events pose to nonprofit organizations. Reliant on donors, regulators, government funders and dedicated staff and volunteers, these organizations are often vulnerable and unprepared to navigate such crises. The book offers a new management paradigm to build healthier and more effective nonprofit organizations for the future.
This timely book argues that the overcrowding of national parks in the United States represents a social problem in need of public sector action and a policy solution, as no systematic means to address this problem has been implemented either nationally or on a park-by-park basis.