The analogue hole is a concept rooted in digital rights management, as a weakness in end-to-end encryption. Even an encrypted message must be read, watched or listened to, and so must be decrypted for consumption. An adversary may simply target the endpoint; for example, an encrypted movie might simply be recorded off the screen when it is watched.
But this might also be a privacy matter, where an encrypted message is copied at the point at which it is read. For instance, the Pegasus spyware system works around the end-to-end encryption of messaging systems such as WhatsApp or Signal by reading the message directly off the smartphone screen.
Chawla, A., 2021. Pegasus spyware – ‘a privacy killer’. Available from:
Sicker, D.C., Ohm, P. and Gunaji, S., 2006. The analog hole and the price of music: an empirical study. Journal on Telecommunications & High Tech Law, 5, 573–87. Available from:
Chawla, A., 2021. Pegasus spyware – ‘a privacy killer’. Available from:
Sicker, D.C., Ohm, P. and Gunaji, S., 2006. The analog hole and the price of music: an empirical study. Journal on Telecommunications & High Tech Law, 5, 573–87. Available from: