This chapter provides readers with a comprehensive reference to futures studies methods and their practical use by introducing a new typology based on the common questions people ask when exploring their anticipatory imagination. While the typology does not cover all futures methods, it serves as a helpful tool for academic scholars and practitioners new to the field. It aims to guide readers in identifying suitable methods for their specific questions, activities, and contexts. It begins by summarizing existing classifications of futures studies methods found in academic literature, publicly available foresight toolkits, and other practice-oriented sources, and then presents its own typology based on when to use specific methods to address particular questions. The chapter proposes this typology instead of a taxonomy, as futures work requires adaptability and flexibility. The proposed typology also distinguishes between modality and method, addressing the challenge of classifying purely futures methods versus research approaches used in other disciplines. The chapter then discusses creating new and emerging methods, decolonizing methods, and strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. It also explores emerging approaches for evaluating futures studies and foresight research. The concluding section provides a summary of the chapter’s approach and offers suggestions for further refinement and codification of methods in futures studies and foresight.
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