Over the past two centuries, the use of energy has been driving economic productivity and industrial growth, and is responsible for a significant fraction of industrial growth in modern economies. Because of their unique characteristics in terms of versatility, reliability, cost, and energy density, hydrocarbons have largely dominated the world energy mix. At a time when the world has to cope with increased geopolitical tensions, the consequences of Covid-19 policies and climate-related government mandates, it is important to reassess the energy-growth nexus. Given the difficulty of properly balancing environmental concerns with human development challenges, a wide range of approaches and perspectives is crucial in making sure whatever tradeoffs are ultimately decided upon do not create more harm than good. With that in mind, this Handbook explores various topics related to the energy-economic growth nexus, analyses of the energy transition and associated challenges, advanced developments in energy-growth models and their practical applications. Focus is placed on multiple factors impacting energy supply and demand, including “climate” policies, geopolitical tensions, energy physical realities, and the Covid-19 health crisis. Our diverse panel of contributors ensures that the Handbook provides a balanced and global perspective on our topic.