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An International Perspective
Recognising that social change over recent decades has strengthened the need for early childhood education and care, this book seeks to answer what role this plays in creating and compensating for social inequalities in educational attainment.
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The Role of Compensation and Multiplication in Resource Accumulation
Social Inequality Across the Generations provides an innovative perspective on social stratification studies by advancing the theoretical and empirical case for the influence of resource compensation. It examines whether resource compensation is a successful mechanism for social mobility, contrasting it against competing types of resource accumulation such as multiplication. This book is the first to cover extensively the role of compensation in intergenerational attainment – a new and rapidly spreading concept in stratification research.
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An International Comparison
From an international comparative perspective, this third book in the prestigious eduLIFE Lifelong Learning series provides a thorough investigation into how social inequalities arise during individuals’ secondary schooling careers. Paying particular attention to the role of social origin and prior performance, it focuses on tracking and differentiation in secondary schooling examining the short- and long-term effects on inequality of opportunities. It looks at ways in which differentiation in secondary education might produce and reproduce social inequalities in educational opportunities and educational attainment. The international perspective allows illuminating comparison in light of the different models, rules and procedures that regulate admission selection and learning in different countries.
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Monograph Book

The growing chasm between rich and poor, within societies and between nations, has enormous implications not only for people’s well-being and life chances but for the prospects for democracy throughout the world. From the interpersonal to the societal level, social inequality is the central feature of social life. Helping students appreciate and understand this is the most important task of social science instruction.

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